Thursday, February 10, 2011


This is the start of my first big quilt. I'd say full-size, but I don't know what the quilting world considers "full-size" and I don't know exactly how big this is going to come out. I think it'll be in the neighborhood of 5.5' x 5.5'

The center will be 9 of the squares you see here (Summer in the Park style, a la Missouri Star Quilting Co, but not quite as matching as theirs). Then around the border will be rectangles that are half the height but just as wide as these squares, then a 6" border of the folded up light blue/green birds you see there, and a binding made from the leftovers of the jelly roll.

I've been using Fabric Central's Aerie jelly roll, a mix of bird-esque things. Instead of doing white strips in-between, I found a crackled looking tan fabric that seemed to work well with the jelly roll. All of the fabric is from JoAnn's, as my brother got me a gift card there for Christmas and I decided it was hi-time I make something large.

It will probably be quite some time before this is finished, as my sewing buddy and I don't have time for a regularly scheduled sewing night this semester as we did last fall.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

slow and steady... takes forever

Yes, yes... it's been more than a month since I've posted. Suddenly school and work decided to both take up an extreme amount of time all at once. This is probably going to be my most time-consuming semester so far. Combine that with working three days a week now and that's not a whole lot of knitting or free time.

But! I have been working steadily on my Tibetan Clouds Shawl. The middle panel is done, and I've got two of the eight repeats of Chart E complete on one side. I didn't realize how wide this thing would be, but maybe that means I'll actually wear it. I'm not beading it, I really just wanted something large and lacy to work on.

We also have a new neighbor. A hungry neighbor.

I heard him/her (?) start talking to Sakura as she sat on the patio one day. No collar or anything, but really friendly. Definitely not scrawny as you can see from the picture, but hungry all the same. Sakura is not happy with this new cat and hisses at him/her through the windows and patio screen as the cat circles our place. Of course, I fed it and gave it water. Because I'm a sucker.


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