Monday, January 3, 2011

the start of 2011

I am officially headed to Russia for two weeks this summer. I applied for and got accepted into the program that's a combination of history tours, cultural sights, and a lot of justice system studying.

I didn't really make concrete resolutions this year. I guess in general I just want to try to eat healthier and exercise more. And so far so good, we bought a cart full of groceries of real meals with vegetables and fruits and such rather than just snack foods. Today Alex and I even went to our apartment's gym.

Classes start next week. I've got Monday/Wednesday classes and will be working Friday, Saturday and Sunday. That leaves Tuesday and Thursday for going to the gym, sewing, knitting, etc.

My boss told me yesterday that starting this coming weekend I get a raise. Hurrah! This year will also mark me starting to work on Fridays for a few hours instead of just Saturday/Sunday, so hopefully I can save away all money from Fridays for Russia spending money.



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