Sunday, May 31, 2009

End of the Line

Everyone is tired of hearing about the economy. Even I am. Especially I am, I guess.

Because right now, I'm not sure about what is going to happen. I wish they had taught us useful things in high school. Like how to deal with economic crisis.

What happens when:
  • You've got $10.62 in checking, $0.89 in savings.
  • You've got $420 of rent due, your other bills are $300.
  • Your old job owes you $700 but the company is going under and may never pay you.
  • You are 20 years old with specialized trade skills in construction/remodeling and plenty of sales experience...
  • and yet no one will hire you.

The thing about college kids is that yes -- we are as frugal and desperate for money as movies and books make us out to be. But most of the ones I know -- including myself -- have parents that, if starvation and homelessness are a true possibility, will come in and rescue us.

However, there are some that don't.

Such as Alex. Who recently left the Jehovah Witness church. Meaning he has been disowned by his parents and is no longer able to rely on them in any way, financially or emotionally. Even though I know this is not me personally, I can't help but feel anxious about it. Because in a matter of days he could be homeless. With a dog he can't feed and a car that barely runs.

I try not to write about personal matters like this here, but I couldn't help it. It's all that runs through my mind now. I've started knitting as a worrisome nervous habit these days.

So for all of you out there who don't believe that the economy is half as bad as the media is making it out to be, or those of you who are in the same situation -- tell me, what do you do when it's truly the end of the line? Because I'm out of ideas.


  1. Like you I am fortunate to have family who can help me if I need it. In fact, right this moment I am spending every dime I have and going into debt because I had the opportunity to study abroad, and I refuse to let the failing economy take away my life dream. When I get home? Who knows. I don't know anything about you (because I just came here from Ravelry) but if you live in a more rural area your friend may be able to find a farm with a CSA that will allow him to work for room and food. I know there are a few in my area who always have that situation going, and now is the time of year when farms really need help! Not only will he have food and a roof, but also he may learn some really valuable stuff about sustainability and farming! Even if he doesn't live near one, maybe he should find one! Desperation is often the beginning of a life changing experience, and it doesn't have to be a bad one!

    (I'm a bit biased. I grew up on a farm, and I work on another.)

    We will all get through this, with enough flexibility and open mindedness!

  2. I really do feel for all...and I can only imagine how distressing and dismal it seems for all of the/you younger people...I have 2 daughters, ages 26 and 28 and they are certainly struggling...just trying to stay afloat thru everything. Stressful? one should make light of the situation, that's for sure, yet keep the faith, things will turn around someday.

  3. Robin Marie - the farm is a really good idea. We're currently in Orlando, but on the outskirts just before rural country starts. Before when he was living with his parents, he was out in an area with a bunch of horse stables and he grew up working with them. He's been trying to find some that need some assistance, but I'll tell him to expand his look for any agricultural farms in the area.

    Vicki - Thanks for the thoughts and words. I hope your daughters find their way through this mess, too.



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